Неделя изысканных платьев, дорогих тканей и знаменитых дизайнеров открыла свой сезон в одном из самых модных городов мира – Париж. С 6 – 10 июля неделя высокой моды в Париже готова покорить вас своими дорогими наядами и новыми трендами. Хочу представить вашему вниманию первый репортаж в моем блоге о Versaсe, Christian Dior и Ciambattista Valli с Парижа! (не буквально с Парижа, хаха)
Week exquisite dresses, expensive fabrics and famous designers opened their new season in one of the most fashionable cities in the world - Paris. From 6-10 of July Fashion Week in Paris, ready to get you crazy with their expensive new trends and dresses. I want to introduce to you the first report in my blog about Versaсe, Christian Dior and Ciambattista Valli from Paris! (not literally from Paris, haha)
Week exquisite dresses, expensive fabrics and famous designers opened their new season in one of the most fashionable cities in the world - Paris. From 6-10 of July Fashion Week in Paris, ready to get you crazy with their expensive new trends and dresses. I want to introduce to you the first report in my blog about Versaсe, Christian Dior and Ciambattista Valli from Paris! (not literally from Paris, haha)

Looking at the Giambattista Valli collection can be said that he was inspired by the style of the fifties and sixties. A striped shirt became one of the main focuses of this collection. Skirts, dresses and pants made under the figure and they are well accentuate all your advantages. The emphasis: stripes, flowers, shirt, full skirt, fur. Colours: black, white, purple, green.
Aristocratic and usually style. Difficult to properly combine the two styles, but the famous designers of fashion house Dior succeeded to do that. Long coats to the floor, pantsuits and dresses in the style of the seventies. The emphasis: pantsuits, floral print. Colours: white, black.
This is collection captivated me with sexy outfits. Provocative dresses and skirts, color-style like a "vamp woman" and leather. What else to say about this? I love this collection! The emphasis: V-necklines, fringe, fur and leather. Colours: white, black and navy blue.
Fabulous dear! great show
ОтветитьУдалитьkisses from Miami,
Очень понравилась коллекция Giambattista Valli, особенно платья с цветочным декором) Я тоже сейчас пишу статью о Haute Couture Fall/Winter 2014, в скором времени опубликую :))
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Очень красивый показ!
ОтветитьУдалитьGreat show of Florange brand
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