(Photos & Report)
Within two days, in the shopping mall Ocean Plaza was a new project - - is a project which gives for everyone opportunity to get acquainted with Ukrainian designers, their collections and buy new clothes for the season. What distinguishes of this project from UFW and MBKFD? The fact that you've the opportunity to socialize in a relaxed atmosphere with the designers, what was hard to do on fashion weeks, to try clothes, and buy it on the season, and not for next year. During the two days of the project, the guests of the shopping center were able to see the 6 fashion show from Ukrainian designers and 28 different stand with presentations which showed personality of all designers. The founder of the project is a Eleanor Nechyporenko. She has done the hard work, so we need to say thanks to her for a great project. Also,I want to say a huge thanks to Tatiana, who invited me.
shine of style
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omg! great post dear! amazing pics! seems that have been a wonderful event!
Интересно, красивая одежда, аксессуары, ну и фото, конечно!
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