С улиц Нью-Йорка на улицы Лондона. NY передал свою
эстафету недели моды в Лондон, и я уже начала просматривать новые коллекции. А
сейчас я предлагаю вам посмотреть на самых стильных и модных гостей LFW.
From the New York streets to the streets of London. NY gave his baton to the London Fashion Week, and I was beginning to view the new collection. And now I invite you to look at the most stylish and fashionable guests on LFW.
From the New York streets to the streets of London. NY gave his baton to the London Fashion Week, and I was beginning to view the new collection. And now I invite you to look at the most stylish and fashionable guests on LFW.