Дизайнер Алена Сереброва представила свою новую коллекцию ss16 в рамках третьего дня Ukrainian Fashion Week. Яркая, женственная и моментами напоминает мне стиль 80-х. В коллекции присутствуют аксессуары из кожи и метала создание дизайнером Helena Romanova, а также платья и костюмы. Стиль коллекции подойдет романтическим девушкам, и современным бизнес-леди, которые готовы экспериментировать с цветом и кроем. Оттенки коллекции: белый, желтый, бирюза и деним.
Designer Aliona Serebrova presented her new collection ss16 in the third day of Ukrainian Fashion Week. Bright, feminine and at moments reminds me the style of the 80s. The collection includes accessories of leather and metal which created by designer Helena Romanova, as well as dresses and suits. The style of the collection will suit for the romantic girl, and modern business ladies who are willing to experiment with color and cut. Shades of collection: white, yellow, turquoise and denim.
Designer Aliona Serebrova presented her new collection ss16 in the third day of Ukrainian Fashion Week. Bright, feminine and at moments reminds me the style of the 80s. The collection includes accessories of leather and metal which created by designer Helena Romanova, as well as dresses and suits. The style of the collection will suit for the romantic girl, and modern business ladies who are willing to experiment with color and cut. Shades of collection: white, yellow, turquoise and denim.

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