Наверное Vogue Festival является
один из самых ожидаемых, и познавательных событий после Недели моды. Модные
блоггеры, редакторы журналов, дизайнеры и фотографы делятся своими
секретами на специальных платформах «Интервью»,
а также рассказывают свою историю успеха. Кроме интересной информации, мы можем увидеть и новые образы модниц. Вот я и подготовила для вас маленькую статью
с вдохновениями на эту весну.
Probably Vogue Festival is one of the most anticipated and cognitive events after Fashion Week. Fashion bloggers, magazine editors, designers, and photographers are sharing with you, their secrets on special platforms "Interview" and telling their story of success. In addition to interesting information, we can see new outfits of fashionistas. So I prepared for you a small article with the inspiration for this spring.

Probably Vogue Festival is one of the most anticipated and cognitive events after Fashion Week. Fashion bloggers, magazine editors, designers, and photographers are sharing with you, their secrets on special platforms "Interview" and telling their story of success. In addition to interesting information, we can see new outfits of fashionistas. So I prepared for you a small article with the inspiration for this spring.

so inspirational